The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide is the culmination of three years of inquiry into the suicide crisis in Australia’s Defence and veteran population. In response to the Report, our StandBy team reaffirmed our commitment to supporting populations at risk of suicide and those bereaved and impacted by suicide, including Veterans.
StandBy recognises the unique needs of serving Defence members, Veterans and their families as part of our work to support this Priority Population group. The Royal Commission findings highlight both the need for greater suicide postvention services and the importance of collaboration with other stakeholders in this space. We have made meaningful strides and will continue to enhance our work in this area.
StandBy was specifically mentioned in the Report for our work in supporting those bereaved by suicide. StandBy’s resources, such as our suicide loss support leaflets, were highlighted in updated materials provided to families by Defence Member and Family Support. This recognises the value of our work and the importance of providing tailored support to those affected by Veteran suicide.
In light of the Royal Commission’s findings and our existing partnerships, StandBy will also be making updates to our systems and data capturing. These changes will ensure we can better capture and support the specific needs of the Veteran population. Our goal is to provide more targeted and effective services to this priority group.
Pictured: StandBy National’s Tim De Goey with Dr Henry Bowen Senior Research Officer at Military and Emergency Service Health Australia, MESHA, Tim De Goey represents StandBy for this important work, and is privileged to be part of MESHA Postvention Lived Experience Advisory Committee.
StandBy is a program of Youturn Limited.
For more informaiton about our StandBy Support After Suicide program, visit
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