In-Kind Giving
What is needed? Below are both ongoing and current needs by our service users.
Personal Care
New and unopened please
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Roll-on Deodorant
- Moisturiser
- Hair products
- Face wipes
- Hair ties and bobby pins
- Shower/body wash
- Sunscreen
- Band-Aids
Non-Perishable Groceries
Cans must have pull-rings to open
- Cereals
- Long life milk
- Vegemite, peanut butter, jam, honey
- Instant coffee
- Up & Go liquid breakfast
- Muesli bars
- Fruit packs
- Large orange or apple juice
- Biscuits (sweet and savoury)
- Instant meals eg. soup, baked beans
- 2-minute noodles or fried rice packets
Household Items
Home starter packs consisting of:
Cleaning products eg. bleach, surface cleaner, oven cleaner, gloves, cloths, glass cleaner, washing powder, dishwashing liquid or tablets, tea towels, mop and bucket.
NB. Items that don’t need to be purchased every shop but can be expensive to buy in one go starting out or starting over.
Schools Needs
- School Shoes
- Laptop computer
*Pay-it forward store vouchers are ideal for the above items to ensure they are a fit to shoe size and IT specifications. If you have the goods to donate, please check with us at time of giving.
After-school needs
Sport, play and recreation equipment for back-yard fun in our out-of-home care or crisis accommodation residences
Christmas Giving
Look for details on our Facebook page during December.

If you would like to speak to someone at Youturn about IN-KIND GIVING please contact us:
P: 07 5442 4277