The tough times of 2020 has brought out the best in many people. When normal trade for accommodation and restaurants stopped as a result of the COVID restrictions, many businesses were quick to direct their efforts to supporting people who were struggling.
Youturn is extremely grateful to Flashpackers, Royal Mail, Villa Noosa and Anchor Motel for providing shelter to people experiencing homelessness during the COVID lock down whilst demand and occupancy was down. Similarly, the generosity of Good Shephard Lutheran College, OzHarvest and local restaurants including Noosa river’s The Boathouse, who all jumped into action and gifted Youturn a multitude of meals for vulnerable people in our programs.
In Toowoomba, St Stephen’s Church continued to support us during the height of restrictions, gifting practical needs to our Gateway House residents.
Darcy Foley, Youturn’s General Manager for Homelessness explains that the wrap around support cross-industry has been extremely powerful. “We often talk about wrapping service–agency support around vulnerable persons in our sector, however when this extends further to include cross-industry, it’s really powerful. When business owners, educators, church and community volunteers gift Youturn service users shelter and meals it not only meets a practical need but it shows we are a community that cares about each other – that’s huge when you are feeling alone and down on your luck,” Darce Foley said.
Gestures such as these, at just the right time, made a big difference to people’s lives in 2020.
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