We put the call out to nearby businesses in Tewantin to join us to mark World Homelessness Day on 10 October and support our Big Hearts for Tiny Homes campaign. The result was a street overflowing with homelessness superheroes, hundreds of gold coin donations, and important conversation on supporting local need explains Susan Beaton, Youturn’s Engagement & Donor Relations Manager.
“Our aim was to highlight that while we don’t see a lot of people sleeping rough in our streets, we know there are many young people couch surfing unable to afford entry level rents coming to us for help. We’re fundraising for affordable Tiny Homes as a stepping-stone, or transitional home, in young people’s journey to access sustainable housing, and it’s wonderful to see so many local businesses and their customers getting behind the cause,” Susan said.
Staff at the Tewantin Noosa Bendigo Bank, Zabe Café, Bean Theory, Richie’s Bakery, Noosa Office Choice, LiveLife Pharmacy Tewantin and Tewantin Newsagency, were best dressed in their superhero outfits and/or selling merchandise to support the fundraiser.
On the day, Bendigo Bank Noosa Tewantin branch hosted a morning tea attended by Local Member Sandy Bolton who spoke to the homelessness need and community response. “It is totally unacceptable in a land of plenty we have 28,000 young people aged 12-24 who are homeless… we should be very embarrassed and ashamed. All levels of government working together need to resolve this for our young people, essential workers and women over 55 years who are pushed out of local jobs and accommodation,” Sandy Bolton said.
Sandy Bolton MP and Noosa Council Mayor Clare Stewart are joining together with local action groups to fix the unacceptable levels of local people experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness.
The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to people who experience homelessness needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, while taking advantage of the stage an ‘international day’ provides. In this way, the inaugural World Homelessness Day in the main street of Tewantin was a success.
If you would like to be part of the solution with us, please donate to our Big Hearts for Tiny Homes.
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